Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July

On the birthday of our neighbours - the United States, it is a fitting time to give thanks for the American patriots who find self worth more compelling than anything else in the world. Remember all who serve and who have served.
A big hello and thank you to the American troops.
Happy 4th of July.

1 comment:

lisa t:) said...

I wandered upon your blog and enjoyed reading it. I am one of your neighbors, in the United States of America:) Thank you for the birthday wish:) I also, am a military mom. My son is in Afghanistan with a NATO unit, as your son is. I see by some of your entries, that your country is going throught some of the same struggles in supporting your sons and daughters, in the military. I want you to know that I will add your son to my daily prayers, for his protection. I am thankful to people like your son who see the world is much bigger than he himself...and what a selfless life he lives. I will also pray for you, as I know your daily concern for him.
From one military mom to another.